Transfer Application Process

Apply online by clicking here.
How to Apply:
- You will need to upload the following documents:
- a copy of the student’s most recent unofficial high school transcripts
- report card
- standardized test scores
- at least one letter of recommendation from a current teacher
- You will be contacted by the Director of Admissions & Outreach to schedule an interview.
Contact the main office if you have any questions about the transfer student application process at (626) 335-3322.
Transfer Student Admission Process
Thank you for your interest in St. Lucy’s Priory High School. St. Lucy’s consideration of transfer applications will be made on a case-by-case basis. Eligibility for specialized academic programs (honors and AP classes) and financial aid are not guaranteed.
Occasionally, we do accept mid-year transfers to begin at the start of the second semester (beginning of January) as long as they apply no later than December 1.
Academic Criteria for Admission
To enter as a sophomore:
- Minimum of 60 credits from an accredited high school
- Have a minimum grade of “B” in academic classes and a minimum of a “C” in all other classes
- Student must be on pace to complete graduation and college entrance requirements at St. Lucy’s
(see St. Lucy’s Graduation Requirements)
To enter as a junior:
- Minimum of 120 credits from an accredited high school
- Have a minimum grade of “B” in academic classes and a minimum of a “C” in all other classes
- Student must be on pace to complete graduation and college entrance requirements at St. Lucy’s
(see St. Lucy’s Graduation Requirements)
CIF Transfer Guidelines for Student-Athletes
St. Lucy’s has established enrollment policies in coherence with the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) under the following conditions:
- Accepts students based on available space;
- Charges tuition for its educational services;
- Has admissions requirements pertaining to academic standards and behavior.
As stated in CIF Bylaw 200.A.A(6) the CIF Bylaws shall serve as a deterrent to students who transfer or change schools for athletic reasons and to individuals who attempt to recruit (unduly influence) student-athletes or their parents to enroll in a school because of athletics. As stated in CIF Bylaw 200.A(2) the CIF Bylaws reinforce the principle that students attend school to receive an education first: athletic participation is secondary.
As per the CIF Blue Book, “undue influence is any act, gesture or communication (including accepting material or financial inducement to attend a CIF member school for the purpose of engaging in CIF competition regardless of the source) which is performed personally, or through another, which may be objectively seen as an inducement, or part of a process of inducing a student, or his/her parent or guardian, by or on behalf of, a member school, to enroll in, transfer to, or remain in, a particular school for athletic purposes.” Violation of this policy may jeopardize the eligibility of the student.
A student-athlete must complete the appropriate transfer process and must be cleared by the CIF Southern Section office prior to any interscholastic competition.