Why Choose An All-Girl Education?

At an all-girls school, there is no doubt that girls take center stage. They occupy every seat in every classroom, every spot in the STEM club, and every position in student government. Every aspect of our school is designed and curated for our girls. We are committed to the education, elevation, and enrichment of our Regents, so they may become the bright leaders of our global society that can solve our world’s biggest challenges and make lasting change.  Here at St. Lucy’s, our Regents are given powerful, relevant advantages in and out of the classroom, and give them countless opportunities to be the voice that is heard, to have the hand that is raised, and to be the force of nature they were born to be.  

At the heart of St. Lucy’s, we are a place of leadership. We are an establishment where community and collaboration, spirituality and self-discovery flourish. Most of all, we are a vessel where the bond of sisterhood is cultivated and nurtured to last well beyond the four years of high school. Our mission at St. Lucy’s Priory High School is to educate, equip, and empower young women to develop their personal talents and to lead and serve a global society. We aim to help shape our Regents to become informed, engaged global citizens who lead with courage, competency, and empathy. 

In addition to the arts and humanities, we are committed to engaging our students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects, and to be a part of our STEM and robotics clubs. Research shows that graduates of girls’ schools are six times more likely to consider majoring in math, science, and technology and three times more likely to consider engineering compared to girls who attended co-ed schools. This is for a variety of reasons, but most notably, it’s that students at girls’ schools have an unlimited number of STEM role models, whether it is our esteemed Faculty and Staff, or our Alumnae, who are trailblazers in their fields. This is simply due to the fact that, when they SEE it, they know they can BE it.At St. Lucy’s, our Regents are not only encouraged, but expected, to be inquisitive and speak their minds. A national survey found that nearly 87% of girls’ school students feel their voices—their opinions—are respected compared to 58% of girls at coed schools.When considering an all-girls school, we encourage families to ask the following questions to their daughter’s prospective high schools, and even their child’s current school such as:

  • Are girls really on the front lines of leadership? Are they class president? Are they editors of the student newspaper?
  • Are girls at my child’s school actively called upon and encouraged to participate in class?
  • Are there fewer girls than boys in the upper level science and math classes?
  • Does my child’s school value girls’ athletic teams as much as the boys’ teams? Are budgets, staff and facilities equal?

Here at St. Lucy’s, every athlete, newspaper editor, Class Officer, and AP student are girls. Your daughter’s education and personal growth will not only be our top priority, but our only focus. We hope to welcome your daughter into the Regent family next fall, where she will find a second home with us, alongside her fellow Regent sisters!