Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the requirements in order to participate on any St. Lucy’s sports team?
• In order to participate, you must electronically submit the Athletic Clearance Forms found on our website under the Athletics Forms tab AND submit the following three (3) documents to the Athletic Department: (1) Physical Exam & Clearance form (signed and stamped by your physical- MD or DO only), (2) Transportation & Liability form, and (3) Consent to Participate form.
• Must be current in tuition and all extracurricular fees.
• Must have and maintain above a 2.0 GPA with no conduct marks.
• After your Athletic Clearance Forms are submitted, you must attend the scheduled tryout date(s) for your sport. Participation in tryouts does not guarantee a spot on the team.
2. Are there academic requirements in order to participate on a St. Lucy’s team?
• Yes, you must have and maintain above a 2.0 GPA.
• No student is eligible if she receives a quarter “F” in any subject.
• No student is eligible is she receives two or more “D’s” in any of the current grading periods.
• A list of those ineligible will be circulated to the coaches, and the students affected will be notified and removed from their participation in that activity or sport.
3. Do we need to submit the online Athletic Forms for every sport my daughter is interested in participating in?
• No, the online Athletic Clearance Forms are valid for the entire academic school year.
• The Physical Exam & Clearance form is valid for one year based on the date of the physical exam.
4. Are there fees for participating on a St. Lucy’s team?
• Yes, there is a required athletic fee for each sport you participate in which will be discussed at your first team parent meeting.
• Uniform and team gear will be an additional cost, depending on the sport.
5. What is the purpose of the required base athletic fee?
The athletic fee helps to offset the high cost to operate sports. It helps to offset the cost of field rentals, officials, tournament fees, and transportation cost (busing, van fuel, etc.). Additional costs may apply for individual sports. Contact the Athletic Office at (626) 335-1410.
6. What are the requirements for earning a Letterman Jacket?
In order to be eligible to purchase a Letterman’s Jacket you must participate on a varsity sport for one season. For further information on our Letterman’s Jacket policy (how to purchase, design and color policy, etc.) please visit the Athletics section of our website under the “Letterman Jacket” tab.
7. Which letters/patches does St. Lucy’s provide and which patches are families responsible for purchasing?
St. Lucy’s Athletic Department will provide all earned letters, sport inserts and bars free of charge. If your team wins league and/or CIF, you will be provided with a League/CIF championship patch free of charge. If you are awarded the 1st Team All- League Athletic, or the All-League Academic Award, you will be provided with a patch free of charge. Any other patch; scholar athlete, CIF- quarter/semi finalists, etc., must be purchased on your own.
8. Where can I obtain the sport schedules?
All schedules can be accessed on each of our teams’ page on our website.