COVID-19 Guidelines
This policy describes best practice procedures for athletics to maintain social distancing and limit potential exposure to COVID-19. The following procedures have been developed in accordance with state and county health order and based on recommendations described in the NFHS Guidance for Opening Up High School Athletics and Activities , the CIF Return to Physical Activity/Training Guideline s, the NATA’s COVID-19 Return-to-Sports Considerations for Secondary School Athletic Trainers , the LA County Department of Public Health Reopening Protocol for Youth Sports Leagues, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- All student-athletes are required to have a valid pre-participation physical exam on file with the athletic department prior to any tryout, practice or interscholastic athletic competition
- All student-athletes are required to complete the online athletic clearance prior to any tryout, practice or interscholastic athletic competition
- It is recommended that individuals at higher risk for developing severe illness from COVID-19 should not supervise or participate in any workouts
a. High risk individuals include individuals 65 years and older, and others with underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, moderate to severe asthma, and those with weakened immune systems
- All student-athletes and coaches are required to be screened on a daily basis for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
- Any individual with positive signs or symptoms, a “yes” answer to the screening questionnaire, or temperature of 100.4F or higher will not be allowed to participate until written medical clearance is provided
- It is recommended that individuals at higher risk for developing severe illness from COVID-19 should not supervise or participate in any workouts a. High risk individuals include individuals 65 years and older, and others with underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, moderate to severe asthma, and those with weakened immune system
Personal Hygiene
Hand Washing
Hand Washing
- It is recommended that student-athletes, coaches, and other athletic department personnel wash their hands between contact with individual athletes, after sneezing or coughing, after touching any surfaces or equipment, and immediately after removing gloves.
Face Coverings
- Face coverings are required by all athletic department personnel when in the vicinity of others
- Student-athletes are required to wear face coverings at all times, including as tolerated with heavy exertion
- Face coverings are required to cover the nose and mouth at all times
- It is recommended that face coverings are either washed or discarded after each use
- Plastic face shields are not permitted during practice due to the risk of injury
Other Recommendations
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
- Any bags used for carrying personal equipment should be emptied, cleansed, and disinfected on a daily basis
- Shower immediately after returning home
Facilities Cleaning and Disinfecting
- All cleaning, disinfection, and sanitizing is done using an EPA approved solution.
- All hard surfaces in athletic facilities wiped down and sanitized before and after use by any individual, group, or team.
- All athletic and exercise equipment and athletic training room supplies used are sanitized before and after use by any individual, group, or team.
- Commonly touched surfaces sanitized daily by janitorial staff
- Trash cans emptied a minimum of once a day and garbage bags will not be reused
- Bathrooms sanitized multiple times a day
Locker Rooms
All locker rooms/changing facilities are closed until further notice. Athletes should arrive to practice in the appropriate practice attire.
- All student-athletes are required to bring their own water bottles
- It is recommended that all personal water bottles are labeled
- It is recommended that student-athletes bring enough water to last the duration of practice
- Water bottles are not permitted to be shared between individuals
All St. Lucy’s Priory High School student-athletes participating in sports off-campus at Damien High School are required to adhere to the Damien High School COVID-19 Policies and Procedures.
To download a copy of COVID-19 Athletics Policies and Procedures, click the file below.
To download and sign the Parents and Students COVID-19 Protocols and Waiver, please click on the file below and email to David Fahey, athletics director, at [email protected].